Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I have some smart relatives and some not so smart relatives.

One of my smart relatives is a financial planner for extremely wealthy people. He has said that the number one thing you can do to protect your wealth is to stay married. Really? Think about it.

Another smart relative said that taking trips with his wife is cheaper than divorce. Yep.

And my wonderful mother-in-law has encouraged us since our first baby to take a trip four months after the baby is born to reconnect. We've not always had extra money to take these trips (thank you Visa) but we feel that it is absolutely required that we get away and become husband and wife again. We are first husband and wife. If we take care of that, the rest falls into place.

So after Ryan, we went to Vegas.

After Kyle, we went to Miami.

And we just got back from Cancun.

We spend the first day sleeping and then napping some more. The stress falls away and we relax. It is the best. I am back and I am energized again. I can get through this baby stage. When I am near tears with a newborn, I count down the days until I can go on my little babymoon.

Not everyone can fly to Cancun or Vegas. I totally get that and count my blessings. But, you can BEG a friend to watch your kids for a whole night and return the favor. Send the kids away and spend the night in your house alone. It is magical for the marriage. Be a tourist in your own hometown. Eat alone without having to get up to get the ketchup. Finish a conversation. And remember why you said those two little words "I do" many years ago. You'll never regret the investment in your marriage and neither will your children.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to my sister and her husband, my aunt and my wonderful in-laws for watching the clan. And to the people worried about Elle not sleeping, she is sleeping like a baby. She gets up only once a night, maybe twice. She is sleeping better than my other two ever did. I am just tired. I am just ready to move on. I know she will sleep through the night someday. Just complaining...


Jessica said...

I'm so glad that you and your hubby got some time away together...that is so sweet!

Jessica said...

Where did you go in Cancun? I could def. use a get-a-way...but with our Baby #3 due within the month...probably have to wait for my babymoon!

OHmommy said...

So glad you got away. You are so blessed to have a large family in the area.

Managed Chaos said...

What I wouldn't give for some alone time with my husband...I must make it a priority. So glad you were able to getaway with your hubby...sounds like a wonderful trip!

amyjr said...

You lucky woman!!

Anonymous said...

Glad that you got some much needed rest and relaxation. It was fun for my kids and yours as well. We've got a good set-up between us trading favors and kids! At this rate we will both stayed married for a long time. Looking forward to you returning the favor again some time (LOL).
- Your wonderful sister :)

I'm Not Talking About It, I'm Just Saying...
