Sunday, January 4, 2009

My House is Trashed.

My house is trashed. Really. We're not talking just a little messy. We are talking kiddos are out of clothes and we are out of laundry detergent. We are talking we are out of room on the counter tops. We are talking can't walk down the hall without tripping. I would take pictures of the mess but I can't find the camera. Really.

Now you are saying that it is because of the holidays and all houses get a little messy because of the disruption of schedules, parties, kids home and spouses not at work. Yep. We have that and because a few other issues I will not discuss here. (Feel free to click on link to catch up).

So, in my effort to start getting Indyworld back to normal, I couldn't wait to send Ryan back to school tomorrow. Thank goodness my sister asked when they went back to school last week on the phone. I checked our public school schedule and couldn't believe my eyes. Not until TUESDAY. What? Who does that? Definitely not a mom. Nope. Had to be a man that make that decision.

So now, the laundry will wait. The decorations will be 1/2 put away. I won't get to my thank you notes and their names will stay on my list. I will find socks for tomorrow for the kids. Clean underwear must be somewhere. I will try to stay sane one more day. I may medicate with chocolate and Coca-Cola. But, I will make it one more day. Man.


Jessica said...

Coke & chocolate can help a woman more than any man who would plan on starting school on a Tuesday could EVER understand. You're still doing OK, girl. Hang in there!

enthalpymama said...

Tuesday??? My house might actually be cleaner than yours today. Wow. Someone really ought to take pictures of that. It may never happen again. I'm surprised it even happened once - if it really did, I'm still skeptical frankly. =)

OHmommy said...

It was definitely a man whom decided that one. One day does make a huge difference. I did a big old happy dance at the bus stop this morning and imagined myself next year this time with 2 out of 3 kids in school all day long.

Eeekkkk!!! I will have the cleanest house on the block then.

AutoSysGene said...

Good luck! Tuesday is a lousy day to start on...definitely a man!!

Stephanie said...

Knowing I'm homeschooling when the time comes makes me jealous that at least you'll get some free time...*sigh*

Jessica said...

TUESDAY? I totally would have been the mom standing on the street corner telling my kiddo the bus would be there any minute. Wow. My house is disaster as well.

Clare said...

tuesday, that is so weird! I hope that things get back to normal soon! we are expecting sleet here tomorrow, so we might not have work/school!

Blessings From Above said...

Tuesday?! A man definitely made that decision.

I'm Not Talking About It, I'm Just Saying...
