Monday, August 25, 2008

Little Earthquakes

Tori Amos had an album out years ago called "Little Earthquakes." I was too young to really grasp the meaning of the title but I loved the album. My husband and I are again wrestling with the topic of the third child, I told him that we have to table the discussion. We are not even at a place where we can talk about. There are too many little earthquakes in our lives right now. Too many transitions and unanswered questions to add another to our lives.

One of our little earthquakes was that my oldest went to kindergarten last Thursday. He was ready and so was I. In preparation of the many sheets of paper that will soon make its way into my house, I went through all of the artwork from preschool. What a change! I had to make two piles. One to save and one to throw away. I definitely felt a little earthquake as I packed some of the sheets into the garbage bag. I know I can't keep every piece of paper. Knowing this did not make the task any easier. I feel the shift of my little boy into a little student. I hid the secret stash of papers until the boys went downstairs and tip-toed down to the garage with my bag. I know that I will be happy that I did this so that next fall, I will have less papers to deal with. But, it was such an emotionally charged task. Where did my little boy go?

Lots of little earthquakes but no major quakes. Changes that we all deal with. Transitions for us and our children. We'll get back to our major discussion of whether to add another child to our family but for now, we are going to take each little earthquake as they come.


Clare said...

Oh, I can't even imagine the day that Bradley will be starting Kindergarten. But, I know it will feel like a little quake, so many changes. good luck mommy!!!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I can't imagine when Izzy starts school! Ahhhhh!!! But, until you are able to have that discussion, it sounds like you are really enjoying the time with the kiddos!

enthalpymama said...

He looks so big. Sigh.

Stephanie said...

I feel ya girl! Mine started kindergarten this morning!! Where does the time go?!?!

Stephanie said...

Good luck with your decisions. I know it's a lot to deal with right now!

Kat said...

We are going through the same thing right now. The kindegarten and also 3K and the baby debate. Little earthquakes all around. That describes it perfectly!

I'm Not Talking About It, I'm Just Saying...
