Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Hardest Call

Damn. Where is her number? I can't find her new number. OK. Here it is. It's in an old email. I dial the number and shake. I can't barely breathe. Ring. Ring. "Hi, this is Brittany. Leave a message."

Phew. I am trying to call Julie not a Brittany. Wrong number. I am so relieved.

The search continues for Julie's number. I can't find it anywhere on the Internet. I email some people that might know. Damn. They have it.

I take three big breaths and say a prayer. "Dear God, I need some help here. Please help me find the words and I pray that I don't talk too much. I need to just listen. God, help me to be there for her. Help me to just listen and be there." Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

I was worried about the phone call for nothing. My friend Julie is still the same Julie I have always known and loved. She is telling me about the PET scan she has to have done right after our call. She hopes the cancer started in her breasts. If her cancer started in her pancreas, that would be worse. I never thought I'd hear someone hope they had breast cancer. I hope too.

She tells me that she is strong woman and they she is open to all types of healing. She will have chemo, join a clinical trial and she will try Eastern medicine. I hear her family in the background and I am grateful that she has them close to her to offer support. She also has an amazing strong husband who is is her rock.

For days, I went back and forth about calling Julie. I wanted her to know we all cared about her but I didn't want to bother her. I didn't know how she was handling the situation and if she needed to be alone. My mom who has been sick with an autoimmune disease for years said that I had to call. She said no one does. Everyone is afraid. So, I listened to my mom. I am so glad that I did. Julie said to call and call often. She needs our calls to provide support through this long process. She asked me to pray. I will Julie. I will.

No comments are needed. Just prayers. Take the time that you would normally leave a comment for me and just pray for Julie*.

*Julie is not the real name of my friend and she is not local.


Rhea said...

I'm leaving a comment and taking the time to say a prayer for your friend Not-Julie. Scary stuff. I hope she's going to be ok.

OHmommy said...

I am so glad you listened to your mom.

Good words of wisdom.

I too, will say a prayer.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Prayers for Julie.

Jennifer said...

i'm commenting, thinking and praying.

I'm praying for Julie and her family and I'm also praying for you and your family!!

you are all in my thoughts.

best wishes!! lots of HUGS!!


Kat said...

I'm leaving you a comment to let you know I'm praying.

enthalpymama said...

She (and you) are in my prayers. Thanks for being there for her.

Maternal Mirth said...


Meg said...

I'm leaving a comment and sending out all the positive thoughts I can muster for your friend ... and for you to be able to give the support that you and her both need you to.

It's a hard road, that I've been down multiple times with many friends, but it's a road much appreciated by the person in question.

Clare said...

sending prayer and bloggy love, XO, Clare

I'm Not Talking About It, I'm Just Saying...
