Monday, February 16, 2009

Knowing When to Pass

I received the dreaded email. It was an email from an organization. I have missed the past two meetings. It is highly suggested that you attend meetings every month. If you miss now and then, it's OK. I have missed December and January's meetings. Yep.

As I have written before, I had a hard time dealing with my regular life after my mom passed away. Add to this that I am pregnant and can barely stay awake, I decided that some things had to be cut out of my life for awhile. When I attend these meetings, additional work is assigned. So, in order to keep myself on the sane side, I decided the best choice for everyone is for me to miss the meeting.

As moms, it is so hard to decide when you've had enough. Isn't it? And then when you make that choice, you have to defend it. You have to say no and then remember not to back down.

My husband asked me tonight if I was going to be volunteering on any boards for the next year. He was surprised by my answer. I know with all my heart that I am done. I am taking a break. For the past five years, I have been a volunteer. I have spent so many hours working for organizations that I love. I was super active for the first three years. As time has passed, I have slowly faded away. I love the organizations but I love me and my sanity. I know I have nothing left to give. With a new baby on the way, a husband heading back to a law firm and a crazy year behind me, I know that I need some time to catch my breath.

I will be back someday. Somewhere. But for the next academic year, I will be in the background at the school. I probably will not attend many meetings for my organizations. I will catch my breath. I will get myself together. Organizations will be stronger for it. My family will be stronger for it. I know I will emerge stronger for it. Now, all I have to do is remember that I have written this post and know that I have made myself this promise. That's the hard part.


GypsiAdventure said...

Do what you need to do...sometimes you just need to say when and know that it will be ok in the end.


Jessica said...

Good luck!

MIT Mommy said...

Ya got ta know when to hold 'em . . know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, know when to run.

Know when to hide.

Stephanie said...

You know in your heart what is best for you and your family! Follow your heart girl!!

Kat said...

It is just so hard to say "no" sometimes, but it has to be done. It is for the best.
Way to go! :)

Anonymous said...

I rec'd that email too and needed your words to say what I was feeling.

Anonymous said...

You have given SO much of yourself the past few years.. You have more than earned the right to sit back and just enjoy the activities without having to help plan them!

Kelbabe said...

You go girl! I am sooo very proud of you! (Now just be sure to stick to it!) ;o)

Anonymous said...

Taking a breather is the best you can do for yourself and family. Lots of hugs to you.:-D Amy

I'm Not Talking About It, I'm Just Saying...
