Saturday, June 20, 2009

Wendy: Part 2

"So have you guys thought of a name?"

I cannot tell you how many times I have been asked. I know it is because people care and that they just want me to know that they are interested in what is going on in my life. But, I have to say, most times, I lie.


Because no one likes my girl names. NO ONE!

Usually, I just say we have no idea. When I am worn down or the person begs, I then go through the short list. When I get to my #1 name, the person just nods or says something close to "Hmmm." They then go with another name right after my first choice that they like better.

I used to really not like people that kept their names secret. I didn't understand it. I get it now. We're not keeping it a secret. My husband is working hard on a trial. We really haven't discussed it in weeks. Shocking, I know. We have a list and we'll get to it in the month or so. I promise. And if the baby comes early, a little extra pressure will help us to get this done.

I like traditional and kind of boring names. I can't imagine being Kaitlin, Neveah, Addison, Aaliyah, Rehanna or even Sabrina's mom. Not that there is anything wrong with the names. They are just not my boring style. We all have our own style.

I haven't written all week because I am in a sort of freak out stage of pregnancy. I have no name for my baby. My baby's room looks pretty crummy. I have stuff everywhere. I am having trouble making decisions about whether to paint or not. I am too tired to make any sort of decision and I am scatterbrained. This is the third child. I know she will survive on love, cuddles and God willing, her mother's milk (or a very good formula. Another post about this later). With the first baby, all was done. With the third, I am doing my best but running on fumes. At the most, I have about a month to go. I am hoping nesting kicks in and I get myself in gear. So for this weekend, with my husband home from a very long business trip, I hope to cross some things off of my large to-do list. We'll share the name once we have her. I think we will head into the delivery room with two choices. And then decide. There. I at least made one decision today. Done.


Kerri said...

Kaitlin :) didn't have a name until day 3 or 4 of her life!

let me know if you need some help...

Jessica said...

I wouldn't share names either I don't think. I would just be worried about people "stealing" them and I would totally be a name hog. :)

I can't wait to "meet" her and hear her name!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I didn't share names because I didn't want to hear/see people's reactions. Intentional or not, they are hurtful sometimes.

I hope the nesting kicks in for you.

Anonymous said...

All of your names are great! When you name a child and everyone sees the baby's beautiful face they fall in love with the baby and the name. You can't go wrong. Follow your heart. Mother knows best. I can watch the boys if you need to get things done. Let me know. The kids keep asking when your boys are coming over. Lara

Stephanie said...

I'm sure all the names you have picked out will be perfect for your little girl!!
Congrats by the way! I guess I didnt see the last post until now that you were having a girl!!

irishgirl said...

Hey! I think that sometimes you need to see your baby's face to choose the name finally. Plus waiting until the last minute will focus the mind. Its just like cramming for exams.... you'll be amazed what you achieve in preparations the last few days.... Starting early just means the dust covers and paint rollers will be out for three times longer than necessary!

Flea said...

Sounds like your a normal mom of a third child. Don't sweat it.

I also love more traditional names. And not the ones everyone else names their children. Our middle, Oliver, is probably my favorite name.

Brigette said...

It used to annoy me when people kept their names secret, too, but having had relatives give me a really hard time about names we'd chosen for some of our kids, I now understand it very well. I tried like anything to keep #4's name a secret, and some people were SO pushy about it.

Genny said...

Hang in there, mama. I think your decision to decide when you have her is a good one. I'm sure after you see her, you'll know what name fits her best. My best wishes to you!

Also, I'm staring a mom-thing over at MyCup2Yours that I'd love you to join in if you have time to pop by. :)

Kelbabe said...

hey, i thought the name you shared with me was so pretty. screw everybody else! If all else fails, as i've said before, kelly ann is gorgeous! ;o) LOL

AreWeThereYet? said...

Completely UNsolicited, I remember when my grandmother flat out told me that she only had 1 name that she didn't like -- then asked me what names we were considering. Guess what my #1 name was at that time....

We went to the hospital with 2 names. It was so impossible to know which one was best. Until we both totally knew without a doubt which one was the right name.

Can't rush greatness.

I'm Not Talking About It, I'm Just Saying...
