Yet another of our friends has cancer (no worries, nothing negative here to report. Keep reading). So, every three weeks, his supporters get together to surprise the family while he is receiving his chemotherapy. For the first chemo session, we decorated his house with a fall theme. People brought pumpkins, fall decor and surprise goodie bags for the kids. A large group of people are coming together to surprise this family every three weeks. I am starting to think that we are getting more out of this than they are. Surprises do a body good!
I have had people surprise me with a pie and sweet note (thank you SB.) and someone dropped some very cool coupons off for free goodies (thanks JB, I think. She didn't sign her name). Sometimes, a friend will add contact you on Facebook. That is a great surprise. That can really make your day. Sometimes, it is a real compliment from someone you don't expect one from. Sometimes, it can be a simple "I love you too, Mommy" from your child that NEVER says it unless you beg (hint, hint Ryan). What about a song that comes on the radio that you haven't thought of in years? Can you say "Rhythm is Going to Get You" by the Miami Sound Machine?What great surprises have you had in your life? Is there anyone you could surprise? I will have to think about that. Life is full of surprises. Let's enjoy them.
You are SO RIGHT! I received two surprises today. One was a beautiful bunch of flowers from my hubby and the other a gift I received from a bloggy giveaway. So exciting! It certainly did help my mood. :)
Your title says it all!!
Glad your little surprises have helped you out!!
What a handsome guy.... and you are so right!
Tiny little surprises mean the world.
Surprises are great, you are right!
You are on to something!
Surprises can be so wonderful like that. Little acts of kindness out of the blue.
Good idea!!! Great photo, btw. What a cutie.
Love your blog and thanks for stopping by and posting on mine. You have a precious family!!
I love little surprises! Now how is it that my husband still hasn't gotten on board?
Glad the coupons were enjoyed!
I really haven't received too many surprises lately, but honestly, I think I'm glad I haven't. I don't know if I could take it right now.
Glad your surprises have helped.
so very true!! :)
between that picture of your VERY handsome smiling boy and your upbeat postive post I'm smiling!! :)
you are right, we can make little things a great surprise and enjoy things thoroughly!! :)
better to be postive and happy and think good things then be down in the dumps.
how great that you all go over and decorate your friends house... that is an awesome idea!! :)
i did something like this, well sort of for my parents... i was at their house before thanksgiving and while i was there i made some place cards for each guest that was going to be at dinner and then I also made a few Thanksgiving-ish/Fallish decorations... it was nice to see my parents enjoy them. :)
sometimes you are right it does make you feel better and you get more out of helping some and cheering them then they do. :)
i guess the old saying it is right... better to give than to recieve. :)
have a GREAT day!! I know mine will be better b/c of reading this post!!
xoxoxox HUGS!!
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