Thursday, April 2, 2009

I Dare You

What if I told you you could change one simple habit and it will save you time and money and is better for the environment? It will also make your hair healthier. What is it? It is the simple act of not washing your hair daily.

Now, I can hear the outrage.

My hair only looks good when I wash it every day.
I exercise and it gets gross if I don't.
I have oily hair and it just looks greasy if I don't wash it.

I used to wash my hair daily. But, my hair dresser begged me to stop. She did. So, I tried to go every other day at first. Then every three days. Now, I am up to about every five days or so. My hair doesn't seem as oily now that I am not washing it as much. Go figure.

American wash their hair more than any other nation. We average about five times a week. Europeans, on average, wash their hair 2 or 3 times a week. I think they are onto something.

I have figured that I have saved over two 1/2 hours a week in washing, blow drying and styling my hair. That sounds crazy and I am not high maintenance. I don't have to do much to it every day since it wasn't washed and I just fix what needs fixed every morning. It takes only a few seconds and my hair styles easier than ever.

So go ahead and give it a try Americans. Start small. Maybe every other day. And work your way up. Baby steps. You hair will thank you. And you will have so much free time that you will be able to stop by Indy's blog every morning as you have your morning coffee or tea.

I know I have some international readers. Let's hear how often you wash you hair! Americans, are you ready to give it a shot?


SusanD said...

I used to was my hair every day, but when my hair grew back after the chemo it was seriously damaged. Now I was it every other day. It's healthier. Blessings, SusanD

Anonymous said...

For those of us with naturally curly hair, it is next to impossible! You have to put a ton of styling gel on it to make it not frizz and after more than one day it would look like a nasty head of flakes from the gel! YUCK!

Jessica said...

I might give it a shot, but that would be really hard! I'm one of those girls screaming, "But I can't do anything with my hair if I don't wash it every day!"

Kat said...

I only wash my hair every two or three days. I have curly and coarse hair and there is NO WAY I could wash it every day. Man, that would be scary.

Anonymous said...

I'm a naturally curly girl who only washes her hair twice a week. Seriously.

I have amazing goop (I mean "products") from the Deva line and it is truly frizz-free and I love not having to wash every day!

Nice challenge!

Flea said...

Too late. I already only wash only twice a week. My hair loves me for it. I get it cut about once a year and rarely have split ends. No blow dryers, and until Christmas and my daughter's flat iron, no product or heat.

With curly hair, the secret is not to brush it. Ever. It rocks.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I am so with you. I only do it every 2-3 that it is falling out post baby, it seems to be a little oiler, but I'm managing.

And, I have to start of gradually!

Anonymous said...

Dry shampoo can help you feel not so greasy when you don't wash your hair. It comes in a can sort of like spray deodorant, and you can get it at Sally's or CVS, etc.

=) Aldee's Friend Mary

Don Mills Diva said...

I wash my hair every other day and I am starting to try and go an extra day. I read an article once about a guy who said he could give any woman on earth GORGEOUS waist-length hair within two years if you did exactly what he said. You started by washing only once every two weeks...

MIT Mommy said...

I don't wash my hair every day. Who has the time?

irishgirl said...

OK, I admit it, I wash my hair every day. And I'm european. I'm sorry. Pleeeeese don't tell my hairdresser, she'd kill me (death my a styling tool would be so tragic!)I use outrageous amounts of overpriced conditioner. I brush when it's wet (no 1 sin!) My only saving grace is I don't hairdry or style except if I'm going out somewhere nice. But I have such a gross profession, you would overwash too!!!

I'm Not Talking About It, I'm Just Saying...
