Friday, April 24, 2009

Q & A

Some of you have had questions about my pregnancy. So, here are the questions and answers.

When are you due?

I am scheduled for a c-section on July 24. My first baby was born emergency c-section and I went with it for the next two because I had such a good experience.

Do know if you are having a girl or boy?

We didn't find out. I feel like it is a girl but I was wrong with my oldest, Ryan. I swore he was a girl. When the doctor said "It's a boy!" I almost fell off the table. I couldn't believe it.

How is this pregnancy different?

I am much more tired. But, I cannot complain at all. (Knock on wood) I have had easy pregnancies. I have never had morning sickness. I know, I know, so not fair.

Your middle child and your baby will be over 5 years apart. Did you plan it?

We did. It took us some time to decide on having baby #3. My first two were only 19 months or so apart. We had a tough time adjusting to have two babies at one time. And then Kyle had a feeding problem. We were just worn out. We thought two was enough. But then, I went on a work trip for my husband's company. The president's wife and mother of grown two boys said that her biggest regret in life was that she didn't have a third child. I knew right there and so did my husband that I couldn't live with the same regret. I know #3 will be tough, I am so not a baby person. But, I know when I am an old woman, I will be so happy that I made myself (and my husband) do this. Plus, with two boys in elementary school in the fall, I realize that the time goes extremely fast. I can do this! Dear friends, remind me of this when I am complaining in a few months.

Did it take us long to conceive?

No, we are extremely lucky. Two weeks off of the pill and we were pregnant. Thank goodness we live in a time and country where birth control is legal and relatively affordable. Who knew I was so fertile?

Are you done?

I had to talk my hubby into #3. Yes, we are done. And I cannot wait to start getting rid of everything I have been saving for over 6 years.

Are the boys excited?

So excited. So, so, so excited! Today, Kyle suggested that we name the boy "Bush" if it was a boy. I told him that the grandparents, aunt and uncles would probably love the name. But, Mommy and Daddy would talk about it and add it to our list. Sometimes, you just can't shoot down the suggestion and break their little hearts.

This is me at work right before I delivered my first baby, Ryan back in 2002.


Jessica said...

Oh, I am SO glad you did a Q&A post! So glad. I've been wondering nearly every one of these questions!

My little sister was originally scheduled for July 24, but she was born on the 17th - the due date got moved up, so BE prepared!

Kat said...

Thanks for the Q&A! I've been wondering some of those same questions. :)

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Thanks for the answers!

And, that picture was right before you gave birth? Wow!

Jackie Sakura said...

"Bush" would make for an interesting first name. Where do future big brothers come up with these names? A few years back, our neighbor's son had some thoughts about his future sibling's name..."Cinnamon" for a boy and "Salt" for a girl. Funny, the little brother's name ended up being "John"! =)

Miss E said...

Thanks for doing the Q&A - I've been wondering about some of those questions!

Can't wait to see what #3 turns out to be! How fun that you are waiting to find out!

irishgirl said...

I can't believe it! 2 weeks is such a short time. You are so lucky! It's May at the end of the week so not long now! Hope the rest of your pregnancy is nice and easy! Good luck... and hope you don't fall off the couch!lol!

AreWeThereYet? said...

Ahhhh...what a lovely post. xoxo

Mom said...

You looked great with your first! I am prego with #3 as well and we will also have 5 years between the middle and the youngest but I think it will all be fine keep us posted as I am due a month after you!

I'm Not Talking About It, I'm Just Saying...
