There is another reason that my son cannot let go of this impossible dream. My husband works for a swimming pool company. He is an attorney for the company. We talk about pools and the pool industry a lot in our house. When my kids visit the office, there are gorgeous pools on every wall. They are the most beautiful pools I have ever seen. It will be a long time before we can even think about a swimming pool.

We visited some old friends this weekend. They own a beautiful pool. This did nothing to help my argument that we cannot afford a pool. In the car as we buckled up, Ryan asked again why we can't have a pool. He then wanted to know what the mom and dad did for a living to earn enough money for a pool. That didn't help. The friend was an attorney friend of my husband. Yes, nearly the same type of job. The next question was of course why can they afford one and we cannot. My favorite question "Dad, do you have any other friends with pools?"
I remember as I kid, I wanted new clothes for my only Barbie. I begged for them. I don't think I ever got them. Was there anything you wanted or begged for as a child that you never received?
Don't you love the new look? A huge thank you to Krystyn of Krizzy Designs. I absolutely love her design for my site. If you need a new look for your blog, email her and she will help you out. Visit for more information. She also can help with birth announcements or other invites that you may need. Thank you so much Krystyn. Also, a big thank you to OHmommy for introducing me to Krystyn.
This sounds bad, but I never really wanted anything I didn't have. I wasn't spoiled though. There were a few times I wanted something big, and I would work for mom would pay me to do extra chores, hard ones I didn't normally do, to earn extra money (for a lavender jam box for myself and a silver cross necklace for my boyfriend). lol
Sorry about your son and pool envy. It's tough when the kids want something you can't give them. I know this firsthand from being a parent.
Isnt Krystyn great?!?! She did my blog too!
Cool layout! Love it! I never got the play kitchen I always wanted. Of course, it was Punky's christmas gift this past year and that's the only thing we have in our house that she plays with every day.
Well . . . pool membership fees for the local country club are probably much cheaper than having one put in your back yard!
I always wanted one of those little Jeep things that kids could ride around in. You know - you could get in and actually drive it . . it had some sort of motor, not the thing you would push with your feet like the Flintstones car. Sadly, I never asked my parents for one - I thought Santa would "know" that I wanted it even though I never asked. Um . . . I never got it. Go figure.
Glad you like the design!
Pool envy? No fun? Why can't kids understand reasoning?
Maybe show him how much money he has and then tell him how many times he will have to have that much money to pay for a pool.
Oh well - at least you have at least one friend with a pool - just stay on their good side!
Love your new design.
Came from Ohmommy . . . another Ohio mom . . .
What an eye-catching title! Does distraction still work at this age?
I need to know this . . . he's only 10 months, but I'm already sensing trouble!
What a cute post - you had me going there for a bit!
I'm Kellan, btw - nice to meet you. Have a good day.
i think i have the same envy
Your new look totally ROCKS!!!! I love it! I've got to tell you that at first I thought you were talking about something else other than a pool by the way you had it all starred out!!! ;o) Why to our children have to make it so difficult on us and ask us questions as to why they/we can't have something? G has been asking me if we're rich or poor. Probably because I, too, have been saying so much lately that "we can't afford it." See you on Monday at VBS! KP
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