Friday, July 11, 2008

An Apple a Day

One morning I was on the treadmill (shocker) and my son asked who was singing on The Today Show. It was Coldplay. Love them. My son is taking piano lessons so I was doing my best to sell Chris Martin and the piano.

"See how well he plays? I bet he practices a lot. Wouldn't you like to play like that when you are big?" I bet he started piano when he was your age. I also told him things about Chris Martin that would make him seem like a real person (that plays piano) and not just a lead singer of a band.

"Chris Martis is from London. He is married to a really pretty woman named Gwyneth. She is a famous actress. They had a baby and guess what they named it? Apple. Can you believe they have a baby named Apple. "

My kids loved it. Lots of giggles! Apple. Giggles.

We play all kinds of music in my van. They make frequent requests for Brick House and even the Madonna and Justin Timberlake song. But lately, there is one request. "Mom, put on Apple's Dad."


OHmommy said...

Oh, that is great. Apple's Dad. Coldplay really does rock, doesn't it.

I need to start piano lessons this fall. Well not me, just Jay. ;)

Stephanie said...

Well atleast he has great taste to like "Apples Dad" Coldplay rocks..I agree!! That is too cute!

Someone Being Me said...

Too adorable. What a great way to encourge your child.

Stephanie said...

Very cute! Hubby loves coldplay. Maybe that will be a good motivator for him!

Rhea said...

That's soo cute!! I love how they refer to Coldplay as Apple's dad now. adorable kiddos! My kids love listening to rock and roll. They don't want to listen to any sappy kids music. Those days are long gone, it seems.

Jennifer said...

VERY cute!! i bet he would love to be refered to as "Apple's Dad!!" ;) you kids are so sweet.


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

What a cute story! And, I love Chris Martin and Coldplay, too! Our daughter jams to it.

atypeamommy said...

That is pretty funny. My son thought it was shocking that Beethoven didn't like to clean his room either, but I guess that isn't quite as compelling, huh.

Flea said...

That is too cute. I have no idea what ColdPlay sings. I'm sure my teenagers know. So old ...

Genny said...

Okay, that is too cute!

I'm Not Talking About It, I'm Just Saying...
