I have some photos of haircuts. Let me know what you think would look best on me. If you think I need to keep looking, please say so. Honesty is appreciated! I can't promise I will follow the most popular choice. But I do promise to have some before and after photos for you.
Here is my current haircut on a typical long day:
Here is a photo of me that I use on my blog. It was taken on a very good hair day, the week after I went a little brighter on the highlights.

Please vote. Here are your choices:
Choice #1:

Choice #2 (just the cut, not the color):

Choice #3:

Choice #4:

My appointment is already scheduled for August 4. I can't wait. Thank you for helping me decide. I will be frumpy no more!
I like #4 the best!! You have pretty hair though, no matter how you style it. :o)
#2 or #3... I think. I have gone back twice now to look at the numbers and am having a complete blank thought when it comes to actually typing them here. duh!!
the one with the dark color... although I know you aren't changing the color... I like that cut & style a LOT and the one after that. :)
they are all pretty similar, but for some reason I really LOVE these two!! :)
I also happen to think that you look GREAT now!! But I do understand needing and wanting a change for yourself. I'm anxious to see which one you choose and how it comes out! I'm sure you will look amazing with which ever cut you get. :)
that picture of you and your boys... is FANTASTIC. You all look GREAT... you ~ beautiful and the boys are sooo CUTE!! man!!
I'm probably missing the finer points, but to me they all look like approximately the same hair cut, just styled differently. My only comment is practical (shocking, eh?). Make sure it is something YOU can style easily. For instance, keep some of the bangs long enough that you can throw it behind your ears and still look awesome (you will anyway). You are a busy mom, make it easy and your smile will be whats beautiful anyhow.
I like #2, but part of that is because of the color!lol
I love #3 color and cut. At least you're being consistent with the style. They're basically all the same look. I bet you go with the last one though because it's not as "drastic." Good luck!
Just a side note: Anonymous said #4 isn't drastic. It is to me. I don't do bangs. It would be a major change. Hmmmmmm.
I like number 3 the best because you can have the look of number 3 but also change it to make it look like number 4 on a daily basis if you want.
I like #3 the best...but they are all very similar...good luck!!
#2 or 3 for me...they seem quite similar. That's the do that I have, but I can't give it quite as much volume...and it's grown a ton in the last 4 months!
I need a new do, too! And, I can't do bangs!
I really like #2 and #3, I think you will really cute with any of them. they are all really cute cuts. Good luck, any change is hard! XO, Clare
I love #3.
Classy and looks effortless. I think it would like great on you.
I like 4. I think you should go a bit longr, shaggy & blonder for summer.
Go for 4 Indy! Very sexy..
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