Thursday, October 9, 2008

All Alone At the Zoo

"I wonder how they know each other. Their toddlers look like they are Ryan's age. They are all talking. They all seem so close. Man, I wish I had some friends to go to the zoo with. I had friends at my last job but then I quit. It is so hard to make new friends. I've got to meet some other moms."

I remember the day like it was yesterday. This is pretty surprising because I have mommy brain and can't even remember what I did yesterday. So anyway, back to my day at the zoo. I was standing there by the elephants. Ryan was small. It was probably our first trip to the zoo. I stood near some moms who seemed to look and act a lot like me. Except, they were all friends and I was alone. I walked closer so I could hear them talk. Yep. They are good friends. And man, why don't I have any mommy friends?

Do you remember those days? I remember my first playgroup. I was worried because the moms would come for lunch back then. I obsessed for weeks about what to serve. Can you believe I cared? I worked hard on a homemade potato soup with crusty bread. And guess what? No one came. Everybody was sick. We were first time moms so it was probably a sniffle. We still get together six years later. But now, we do it on our own without the kiddos. We meet for dinner and drinks and catch up throughout the year.

I remember moving and meeting my new playgroup. I was so nervous to walk into the house. I had nothing to worry about. What a time saver that playgroup was for me. They had it all figured out. They knew what preschools were good, where to shop, what to do, where to go and they knew everybody. Thank goodness I joined that preschool PTA and sent in that playgroup form. I can't imagine my life without those women in it.

Time has changed and I was just invited to join another group of mothers. I have a strong group of friends and tend to take on too much so I am not sure I can add another group to my list right now. What a nice change this is. I am in a good place and feel so lucky that there are women that have gotten me though the baby, toddler and preschool years. Dear friends, thank you. We've grown and changed so much in the last six years. I am lucky to be able to call any of you up for a trip to the zoo and you'd be there.


enthalpymama said...

Wonderful post!! I saw your title and was almost mad at you that you didn't call me to go to the zoo. I DO remember those times. Playgroup felt like such a big deal. And, in a way it was because we are still friends. I can imagine my (one day) soon to be daughter-in-law asking me "Oh, and should we put your playgroup friends at one table then?" Unless, of course, she's from playgroup . . . .

OHmommy said...

Awe. Aren't you the sweetest thing ever?

I can't imagine what I would have done had I not had playgroup to plan for once a week, as my only outing back then.

You made potato soup. YOU are so caught and now have to make it again.

Madge said...

I have stood outside of those groups too, it's hard. We all seem to find our support group somehow, somewhere...

Stephanie said...

Its so wonderful to have those types of friends!
6 bet you all have some great memories!!

Kat said...

Can you believe I've never been to a playgroup or a mommies group? AND all of my close friends live at least an hour away. What is wrong with me?

This post makes me want to join a mommy group too. :)

Stephanie said...

how precious...time does fly way too quickly!

Genny said...

What a great post! I do remember those days of being a new mom, and being unsure of so many things! I don't know what I would've done without my friends and playgroups to bounce questions and problems off of!

I'm Not Talking About It, I'm Just Saying...
