Monday, August 15, 2011

Just call me a rebel

I am going to do it. I am not sure what will happen but I am just going to try. I am a rebel. I am sending in a wooden ruler instead of a plastic one to school on Wednesday. I know it is crazy. Totally going off the deep end here. You thought you knew me.

A little old lady saw me at Walmart pulling out my hair while looking at the kids "Back to School" lists. She said "In the old days, we just bought a notebook, a folder and some pencils and sent the kids on their way." We talked about how specific the teachers are and the length of the lists. I think it is a bit ridiculous.

I wonder why it is so specific. Is it because today's parents aren't smart enough to decide what size crayon box to send? Is it because teachers want it to be easier so they can say "Take out your purple folder?" Is it because so many people don't follow directions when they say send in tissues that they have to add "family size" to the description.

I don't really care what the reasons are. I am just annoyed. I can't imagine how really, really busy parents holding down two jobs are getting organized. I have to run out tonight and somehow find the two folders I forgot to buy. It sounds easy but I am sure Target or Walmart will be a zoo. I also have to find a "simple" calculator and two bottles of "Purell" (only) sanitizer.

On Facebook, one of my friends asked where she could find some glitter crayons for her child's list. This is obviously a new teacher or one that does not have children. Glitter crayons. Really? Come on. And my older friends would tell me to stop complaining. Kids will soon need the really expensive scientific calculators or even computers. I know. I have it easy right now. But, when you have three kids under age 8 and you are trying to find items on the list, it feels a little like a scavenger hunt. The reward for this little game is a quiet day when they climb onto the bus on Wednesday. But just to maintain control over this list, I am going to send my pencils "pre-sharpened." The list specifically said unsharpened for one child and sharpened for the other. I bought them pre-sharpened. I am that much of a rebel. Hear me roar.


Indy said...

Running to CVS right now to complete my scavenger hunt. I should buy myself a candy bar as a reward. Here's hoping there is a "simple calculator" (ie cheap). Target was out of the cheapos today. One more day. This is the true test for any stay at home mom. The. Final. Day.

Anonymous said...

Wow! That is completely ridiculous. You go with your rebel self! ~Aldee

Indy said...

Won a free coupon at CVS for a free candy bar. Yeah! And so far, no one from the school has complained.

Kerri said...

i buy K2's supplies through the school - love it!!! does twinsburg do that?

Indy said...

They do. I really need to order them that way. I always think I can save a buck if I torture myself.

Kerri said...

I decided the ease was worth it :)

ladygeekgeek said...

Nevermind the candy buy yourself a vineyard as a reward! What a load of nonsense.

I'm Not Talking About It, I'm Just Saying...
