Thursday, October 30, 2008

Using Funk to Get Out of the Funk

Last week, I wrote about what a funk I've been in. It is time to start climbing out of it. In addition to the usual plan of exercising, sleeping and trying to eat better (i.e. something more than Reese Cups) I have noticed that music really helps my mood. Now, if you would have asked me a few months ago what kind of music would lift my mood after a friend dies, I would have guessed that maybe U2 would help or how about the lyrics of the Indigo Girls. Nope. Wouldn't work for me this week. The only thing I can listen to? Prince and the funky music he creates. Now, I am not talking about the Prince songs you are probably remembering from the 80's. He has gone on to create some really cool, funky new music that would surprise most people that haven't listened to him since Little Red Corvette. There is just something about the horns, amazing piano and drum beats that he composes. It works for me.

Now, I listen to this funky music a lot and really loud. My poor children. It is hard to drive and sing and look respectable driving my silver minivan into the preschool (and church) parking lot. I like to dance and I do in my seat. Today, a woman from preschool followed me home the whole way. I was jamming and wondering what she thought I was doing.

So, I am going to recommend some cool Prince songs that you can sample on iTunes if you are feeling a little crazy or even down. They are sure to make you move your feet and stop feeling sorry for yourself. The song that keeps being played over and over again "Get on the Boat." You can't listen to it without moving. "The Word" is a slower funky cool song. I love the beat and his voice. And if you are still reading "Black Sweat" is just plain fun.

OK. I know Prince doesn't work for all and probably not most. What works for you? What do you listen to when are feeling down? I pulled up iTunes when I started writing this post and it is blaring "Black Sweat." Please excuse me while I get up and dance.


Stephanie said...

Well I'm glad you found a way to come out of the funk!
I must say..I LOVE PRINCE! I went to his concert last month and his new stuff is GREAT!!
Glad to see I'm not the only one ;)

Flea said...

Hmm. I haven't heard his new stuff, but I think I'll head to Pandora and make myself a Prince station. I loved his old stuff. Especially Raspberry Beret.

enthalpymama said...

Oh, Gosh, I'm so in need of new music. The truth is that there are a few country songs that I've heard over and over again when I've been sitting around the camp fire with my kids that bring me back to a special place.

If you are in for a laugh, then check out "I love bald headed men" by Christine Lavine.

Rhea said...

Music really is a great motivator and mood changer. Great idea! I sometimes forget about music and I really should utilize it more. That sounds funny, but you know what I mean!

I love that you jam in your car. My older son loves Smashmouth right now and we've been listening to that a lot in the car. It's awesome.

Stephanie said...

Good for you! Never been a big prince fan, but I love Gavin Rossdale lately and some harder stuff. A good "mean" guitar helps me stop feeling so...mean. Music really does soothe the soul. I've rediscovered it since my latest funk, too. And in fact, bought an ipod!

Clare said...

when i am down i need angry music to make me pumped up, right now i am in love with 'so what' by pink, and 'give them hell' by all american rejects:)

I'm Not Talking About It, I'm Just Saying...
