Monday, April 7, 2008

I'm Not Talking About It, I'm Just Saying.....

One of our dear friends was extremely drunk a few months ago and created the perfect phrase "I'm not talking about it, I'm just saying...." Once you figure it out, you will find that it has many uses. It comes in handy especially when you don't really want to talk about a friend or relative but there is a need to get it off of your chest. So, when trying to pick a perfect blog title, I decided to go with this one. There are so many moms writing blogs about their experience but I want to explore more than my children in my blog. This title will leave me wide open. I hope not too wide open that no one reads the blog. I have no idea where this will lead or if it will be impossible to do. But, a good friend of mine is an excellant blogger and I have been inspired.

So, here it goes.


OHmommy said...


Super great title for a blog. WTG!

Kelbabe said...

This is THEE perfect title! You've managed to cover everything - I love it! Can't wait to check back periodically to see the latest topic.

I'm Not Talking About It, I'm Just Saying...
